Cybertron is the home planet of the Transformers and the body of their creator, Primus. Cybertron is (almost always) a shining metal, technological world; a planet of towering future cities without end and vast metallic plains, spiraling metal mountains and bottomless neon-lit chasms. Battling over control of Cybertron and its resources is frequently the motivation for, or origin of, the Transformers' epic wars. Beyond these facts much about Cybertron can differ between continuities, see individual entries below.
Cybertron was the adopted form of the lord of the light gods Primus, who trapped himself and Unicron in barren asteroids which they then shaped into their physical forms. While Unicron turned his prison into a transformable, humanoid body, Primus reformed himself into a vast Saturn-sized machine-world, home for a robotic race he created to fight Unicron with similar transformation abilities.
It has been suggested that the Demons in the darkness were the world's original inhabitants, locked away beneath the world by Primus, though this remains unconfirmed.
Aside from the Transformers, the world seems to possess the mechanical equivalent of plant and animal life, though the exact nature and origin of this lower "life" has never been examined in detail. This version of Cybertron has rough hewn mountain ranges and great seas. The atmosphere and temperature on most of the surface is such that human life can survive unaided.
In its earliest recorded era Cybertron orbited Alpha Centauri, and the Transformers were at peace. The Transformers From an unknown point of time, Cybertron was ruled by the Overlords, a governing council of absolute rulers. Over time, their power and number dwindled, until Cybertron was composed of multiple city-states who were constantly clashing with each other; the key three powers were Vos, Tarn and Iacon. While all the major cities were using their might to pork energy at the expense of others, Iacon did ration theirs out to neighboring smaller cities. Tarn and Vos, by comparison, built up vast armies. In an attempt to lessen growing hostilities caused by the splintering governments and the dwindling resources on Cybertron, the last Overlord started the Games: an inter-city gladiatorial tournament. This allowed the population to exorcise their hostilities, and soon the vicious athlete Megatron had a cult of personality based around him and his feats. He built this up, quietly planning to unite Cybertron under his own rule and turn it into a mighty cosmic dreadnought! One of his great rivals was Optimus Prime, the champion of Iacon.
Vos — ruled by a Starscream-headed criminal syndicate — sent its athletic team to bomb Tarn (ruled by Shockwave) and finger Iacon as the culprit. As with all plans by Starscream, this cocked up — Tarn realised Vos had attacked it, and war broke out that devastated both cities. Iacon happily let its rivals beat on each other. During the conflict, Optimus Prime tries to get the Overlord to safety but Megatron secretly ensures the leader starves to death; once the war ended, Megatron used his fame and charisma to convince the war's survivors that Iacon was at fault for not stepping in to prevent the war, and that Iacon was the enemy. This angry mass became the first Decepticons.
Megatron rallied his army to march on the Autobot cities, conquering large swaths of Cybertron until Optimus Prime arose from the Autobots ranks to match his old foe. Megatron's ultimate aim was to turn Cybertron into a "cosmic dreadnought", intending to his homeworld as a galaxy conquering warship. The Transformers To achieve this, Megatron constructed a prototype set of planetary engines in Kalis.
Before Megatron could achieve his dream, the sheer firepower unleashed by the Great Wartore Cybertron from its orbit and sent it hurtling aimlessly throughout the cosmos. When it passed through the Sol system, the asteroid belt threatened to destroy Cybertron forcing the Autobots to use the Ark to clear a path for their world. Though they were successful, they were ambushed by Decepticons led by Megatron, and their battle ended with a crash-landing on Earth that left all the combatants deactivated. Their compatriots on Cybertron mourned their loss but continued the wars. The Transformers
The young warlord Trannis seized on his opportunity and assumed command of the Decepticon forces, reorganizing the army and conquering all but Iacon. After a long stalemate, Trannis decided "screw it" and razed Iacon, finally putting Cybertron under Decepticon rule. As the centuries passed, Trannis grew complacent in his rule allowing the Wreckers to assassinate him which only served to allow for the more brutal Straxus to take command.
By 1985, the Autobots had been forced into guerrilla warfare against their foes. When the Earth-bound Transformers contacted their homeworld, the Decepticons made plans to connect the two planets via space bridge. The Smelting Pool! Though Perceptor's resistance cell managed to destroy the bridge and kill Straxus, they were left stranded on Earth.
After Optimus Prime's physical demise, Megatron went properly off his rocker and blew up the space bridge he was standing on, Gone but Not Forgotten! which transported him to the Dead End on Cybertron, spending the next few years as a mindless Empty.
Circa 1990, members of the Ark crew fought with the Mayhem Attack Squad in a chamber containing the giant head of Primus. A stray shot hit the god's face, and he awoke with a scream that alerted Unicron to his location.
When the Chaos Bringer arrived, the Autobots and Decepticons united against him, but the battle still wreaked havoc on the planet. Unicron was defeated by the opening of the Creation Matrix, but only after he'd already destroyed Primus. On the Edge of Extinction! In the aftermath, Cybertron suffered storms and earthquakes that many believed would tear the world apart. Exodus! The remaining Transformers evacuated, but Cybertron was ultimately saved by the united efforts of Optimus Prime and the Neo-Knights who awakened the Last Autobot. The Last Autobot? The ancient steward revealed that upon the Matrix's opening, the planet had been bathed in its energy and was in fact healing itself. After he guided the process in a steady manner, he and Prime recalled out the Autobots before returning the humans to Earth and finally bringing peace to the metallic planet.
Cybertron was historically organized into city-states, the largest and most important being Iacon. Others have included Kalis, Tarn, and Vos. Within the province of Polyhex was the Decepticon stronghold called Darkmount.
Beneath the Mutant filled sewers, the Demons in the Darkness were locked away.
At the center of this Cybertron there was a room with a huge head of Primus on the wall where he slept and was watched over by the Keeper. Somewhere within the depths of Cybertron could also be found a chamber containing the Last Autobot.
Before creating the Cybertronians, Primus created the Demons as a first run. The creatures' free will however caused them to turn each other and Primus attempt to wipe the slate clean. Though most perished, a few survived beneath Cybertron's surface, unnoticed by the Cybertronians who took their place.
Prior to the Great War, Cybertron had trade relations with other mechanical planets.
As Cybertron reconstructed itself following Unicron's defeat, the Dark Matrix entity merged itself with the planet infecting every crack and becoming one with it as Primus had done before. The War to End All Wars, Part 5 After the end of the Great War, the Pax Cybertronia was signed which brought peace to the planet.
After 21 years of relative peace, however, the planet was again thrown into the fire by the machinations of the Dark Matrix entity, The War to End All Wars, Part 5 marked by the destruction of the Last Autobot. Counterpoint After learning that Megatron still lived and was wreaking havoc on Earth, Optimus left the planet under Hot Rod's leadership. Scorponok planned to use a Gene Key to turn all on the planet into Decepticons. Natural Selection, Part One Though the Decepticon was halted, his scheme had caused great damage to Cybertron, Natural Selection, Part Five with many turning themselves in or asking to be prosecuted for war crimes. Cybertron however was soon invaded by Bludgeon's Warworld, Destiny, Part Three which soon turned into all out war before the Wreckers destroyed the ship.
As Cybertron began (another) cleanup, rogue senator Jhiaxus arrived, The War to End All Wars, Part 1and offered to integrate Cybertron into the Hub Network. The Autobots soon went to war with the Hub and while they were offworld, the Dark Matrix struck out on Cybertron, turning everyone on the planet into shadow-leeches. Hot Rod, now Rodimus Prime, eventually realized the Dark Matrix creature had been posing as Primus and confronted it in Zero Space. There, Optimus Prime revealed the entity's plan to Rodimus and that the only way to prevent it was to sever their own reality from the multiverse which Rodimus reluctantly did. Cut off from Primus, Cybertron and its people became mortal, with the latter abandoning the planet in the aftermath. When Rodimus Prime returned to Cybertron after untold eons to finally die, the last vestiges of his Spark energy flowed to one of the stasis pods inhabited by the Demons and a new breed of Cybertronian emerged to tame the planet.
After Cybertron had been ripped from its orbit, Shockwave test fired a planetary turbine that directed the planet towards the dangerous Stellae Cimeterium to try and have Megatron refocus on Project Dreadnought to no avail.
Despite this, Optimus Prime felt that Megatron represented the greatest threat to Cybertron, not least because Cybertron's errant course could be halted by a series of controlled explosions, and launched the Ark in an attempt to lure Decepticon High Command off Cybertron forever, entrusting Punch to ensure that Megatron never saw their home planet again, so that the Autobot army could have a fighting chance.
After clearing away the asteroid belt that threatened Cybertron, Optimus crashed the Ark on Earth once it had been boarded by the Decepticons. Secrets & Lies #2 Despite this, the situation on Cybertron deteriorated for the Autobot army, Straxus emerging as the de facto Decepticon leader and leading a brutal campaign against the remaining Autobots. Once he was secure in his power, he gave Counterpunch the clearance to reactivate Project Dreadnought. Punch brought the information back to the Autobots who formed the Wreckers to end Dreadnought.
Despite coming up against Abominus, the Wreckers succeeded in destroying Project Dreadnought, leaving Cybertron to continue its errant course throughout the cosmos. With the Decepticons firmly in control of the planet, the Autobots opted for a decentralized approach to warfare under a shared high command.
Cybertron was the body of Primus. Cybertron Nine billion years ago, he created the Thirteen to aid him in his fight against Unicron.
Another account claimed that Primus was a "unique digital entity" that came into existence eons ago. To search for other life in the universe, it sent out the Transformers as explorers. One of the first places the Transformers settled was the planet that would eventually become known as Cybertron.
Unicron made another attempt to attack Cybertron but he was stopped by the mighty warrior Omega Supreme. Omega Supreme Joined by the four "Maximus" combiners he went into stasis lock deep beneath Cybertron to guard a reservoir of Super Energon. Ambition The Chaos Bringer however went into stasis lock and disguised himself as a moon orbiting Cybertron. Alliance Cybertron had at least two other moons.
The Cybertronians attempted to turn Cybertron into the centre of a galaxy spanning empire via establishing four colony worlds with the intent of using the Cyber Planet Keys to cyberform them into mechanical worlds before connecting them all via a galaxy wide Space Bridge. For unknown reasons however, the plan fell through with Cybertron losing contact with the ships it sent out. Fallen The four worlds evolved in their own way with most considering Cybertron to be little more than a legend.
As the millennia rolled past, the Cybertronians fell into civil war. First Encounter Seeing an opportunity at revival, Unicron spawned the Mini-Cons intending for these diminutive robots to grant additional power to the Autobots and Decepticons so he could feed off the escalating war. Prehistory As a result of their unintended sentience however, Drift the Mini-Cons soon realized what they were doing to Cybertron and its people and promptly left the planet so that their power could do no harm. Their ship crashed on one of the four ancient colony worlds, Earth. First Encounter At some point during the war, Rodimus gathered a crew to escape the endless battle. The Legend of Rodimus Composed of both Autobots and Decepticons, these warriors left Cybertron behind for Omnitron.
In 2010, the unwitting Rad White activated one of the Mini-Cons which beamed a signal to Cybertron alerting the planet to the Mini-Cons' location. While Optimus Prime and Megatron led their inner circles to Earth to retrieve the Mini-Cons, the bulk of the Cybertronians remained on their homeworld to continue battle.
After repeated battles on Earth, Megatron managed to slay Optimus Prime and obtain all three Mini-Con superweapons. The Decepticons set course back for Cybertron, followed by the Autobots. Depart Unicron however made his move prompting Starscream to sacrifice himself to unite the warring planet. Cramp Unicron's defeat marked the end of the war and both Autobots and Decepticons began working together to rebuild their world.
In the aftermath, the existence of Cybertronians was revealed to the human race who sent an envoy to Cybertron in 2012 to establish friendly relations.
In 2020, however, Unicron and Megatron returned. Megatron Raid After Cybertron had been protected by Energon towers, the Autobots and Decepticons fought Unicron. Shockblast: Rampage After Unicron's physical form had been destroyed, Unicron Perishes he possessed Megatron and travelled to the Super Energon reservoir below the planet to properly revive himself turning Megatron into Galvatron once again. Wishes The release of energon gas however moved the planet from its orbit into Alpha Q's universe. Formidable Primus trapped Unicron's essence in a star composed of Super Energon.
The conflict ended, the now predominantly Autobot and Neutral population began to rebuild their world. A further ten years later however, Primus's plan failed when the star collapsed into a black hole so powerful it not only threatened to consume reality itself but warped space/time, altering the past to an extent. Revelations Part 2 With the black hole hovering above Cybertron, Optimus gave the order to evacuate. Vector Prime returned to the planet for the first time in eons and revealed to Optimus that the Cyber Planet Keys were required to save their homeworld. Fallen Though Optimus was skeptical at first, he eventually made the search for the keys the top priority of the Autobots. Hidden After the Autobots had retrieved the Omega Lock and the keys from Velocitron, Jungle Planet and Earth, they brought them all to an altar deep beneath Cybertron where the energy of the three relics (bolstered by the Matrix of Leadership's energies) allowed Primus to transform to robot mode.
After all four Cyber Planet Keys had been restored to the Omega Lock, Primus was restored to his full power which allowed him to close the black hole and save the multiverse. With peace now secured, Primus transformed into a new Cybertron which incorporated aspects of all four colony worlds.
The closing of the black hole had left the Jungle Planet drifting near Cybertron. When Galvatron damaged one of the planetary engines being used to restore the colony to its rightful orbit, the Jungle Planet risked slamming into Cybertron before the damage was mended.
With peace finally restored to the universe, the Autobots hosted the first intergalactic peace conference to decide what to do with the Cyber Planet Keys on Cybertron. At Optimus Prime's suggestion, the four great colony ships launched from Cybertron once again to continue their ancestors' dream of colonizing the universe.
In the Legacy of Chris Thorndyke,